The king of juice! Orange juice is a classic and a staple flavor when we think of juice, cold pressed or even the mass-produced store-bought kind.
Basically, there are two flavor profiles of orange juice — the sweet breakfast variety, which we lovingly refer to as “kid flavor”, and the “mixer” variety, more suited for an adult flavor. Children love the super sweetness of the inner flesh of an orange, keeping it pure, sweet and wonderful. Adults don’t mind when the bitterness of the outer portions of the orange are introduced to the juice (the pith has some health benefits too).
When it comes to making the king of cold press juice, there’s a good way and there’s an even better way. Everyone wants to know the best way!
How to Make Cold Press Orange Juice

Breakfast or “Kid Flavor”
This juice has a smooth sweet flavor reminiscent of what you’d have alongside your pancakes on a Saturday morning (but better, because cold press makes everything better). To achieve this flavor profile, you will need to remove the entire peel and as much pith as possible to prevent any bitterness from being present in the juice.
Standard Process For Kid Cold Press Orange Juice
- Peel your oranges
- Shred with 1/2″ blade on slow speed
- Fill press bag about 3/4 full
- Press
Best Process For Kid Cold Press Orange Juice
- Peel your oranges (sorry, you still have to put in the work- but it’s worth it!)
- Toss the whole peeled orange straight into the press bag (the pockets of juice naturally provide a great shape for pressing and you’ll avoid adding bitterness from any pith that remains by keeping it more intact)
- Fill press bag about 3/4 full
- Press

“Mixer” or Adult Flavor
Adults don’t seem to mind the bitterness the peel adds to the flavor of the orange juice. If you are looking for a VERY adult flavor (as in, tequila sunrises and mimosas), we HIGHLY recommend pressing your oranges with the peel intact.
The bitterness of the peel is a very complimentary flavor to the bitterness of alcohol and actually creates a smoothness to the drink (this is why they use “bitters” with alcohol frequently – the more you know!).
Standard Process For Adult Cold Press Orange Juice
- We recommend you just skip to the Best Process below…
Best Process For Adult Cold Press Orange Juice
- Don’t peel your oranges!
- Quarter the oranges and toss straight into the press bag
- Fill press bag about 3/4 full
- Press but watch closely, you don’t want your press to come to a full close

Utilize Speed Control!
All newer Juiced Rite, LLC Cold Press Juicers are equipped with Speed Control that operates with both the shredder and the press. Using slower speeds to allow extra control on how you operate your press can greatly increase the flavor profiles of your juice. You can learn more about this awesome feature here in the Getting to Know Your Machine video or read about it here.
We highly recommend testing how you use speed control to create your perfect process. Soon you will be pressing the most perfect orange juice! (And take notes! Never too many notes!)
Happy Orange Juicing!